Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Name of the experiment

Determination of moment of inertia of a flywheel about its axis of rotation

                          The flywheel is a big sized wheel. Most of its mass is distributed over the peripheral region. A thick cylindrical rod, called the axle, passes through the centre of mass of the wheel. The axis of the axle is perpendicular to the circular surface of the flywheel. The axle is kept horizontally by means of a holder hung on the wall. The wheel with the axle can rotate about the axis of the axle. There is a peg joined with axle. Objective of this experiment is to deturmine the moment of inertia of the flywheel about the axis of rotation, i.e., the axis of the axle.

 (a) Flywheel when the rope and load is about to be detached from the axle.                                        (b) The same flywheel after rotating it for nl number of times (here n1 is 6) There is a small peg on the axle, as shown in figure 1. We make a loop on one end of a rope round this peg. A load of mass, M, is connected to the other end of the rope. We hold the flywheel in such a way that the.

load is about to be detached from the axle (figure 1 b). Then we keep a straight meter scale at The bottom surface of the load, see where on the wall the end of the meter scale touches and put a mark over there. Next, we rotate the flywheel for n1 times. Consequently the load moves  upward. Again, we keep the straight meter scale at the bottom surface of the load; we see where on the wall the end of the meter scale touches and put a mark over there. The separation between the two marks is h.
Now, if the flywheel is made free to rotate, then its angular velocity increases uniformly and the linear velocity of the load also increases uniformly. The flywheel completes n1 revolutions after the release of the load and the load traverses a distance h vertically.
The work done by gravity on the load = M g h A part of this work is used to increase rotational kinetic energy of the flywheel, and part of it supplies the linear kinetic energy to the load and the rest is used to work against the friction between the flywheel and the holder.

Let, I is the moment of inertia of the flywheel about its axis of rotation..                                                 When the load is just detached from the axle, the angular velocity of the flywheel be ω and the linear velocity of the load is v.                                                                                                                              So the rotational kinetic energy of the flywheel      

and the kinetic energy of the load    


 Let, the work done against friction to complete a single revolution = Wf , therefore, the work done against friction to complete n1 revolutions = n1Wf                                                                               So, we can write, 

Let, t is the time between the moment of detachment of the load from the axle and the moment when the flywheel comes into rest. In time t the flywheel completes n2

During this second part of the motion of the flywheel, all of the rotational kinetic energy will be used to work against the friction which is n2wf, and hence
        Since in one complete revolution the angular displacement is π2radian, in n2 revolutions, total angular displacement is 2n2π radian. The average angular velocity,

during this second part of the motion, the angular velocity decreases uniformly form 

 By using equations (4) and (5) we can determine the moment of inertia of the flywheel about its axis of rotation by measuring M, h, r, n1 and n2

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